Stats SA Vacancies 2022

Contract job applications must be submitted online at Stats SA Vacancies 2022. Call 0800 110 248 to speak with a call center agent that can help potential applicants with online applications. Personal papers (such as identity cards, certifications, and so on) should never be supplied to anybody.

The Census Recruitment Drive (Stats SA Vacancies 2022) will continue as planned, with fieldwork beginning on Census Night, February 2, 2022. The appointment of field employees will be completed by mid-January 2022.

Register to be added to their database and receive notifications on contract employment vacancies.

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA Vacancies 2022) delivers scientific data that assists society in understanding complicated socioeconomic processes. It is authorized under the Statistics Act of 1999 (Act No. 6 of 1999) and the POPI Act of 2013. (Act 4 of 2013). Stats SA strives to be the best in the five categories listed below:

  • Logistical expertise is required for the deployment of (forward and reverse) logistics for large-scale field operations, as well as strategic decisions about operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Ability to lead statistical scientific work intellectually Competence in large-scale processing and sophisticated computations, as well as public access to information Logistical expertise is required for the deployment of (forward and reverse) logistics for large-scale field operations, as well as strategic decisions about operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Understanding the political climate as an administrator without being political or politicized (commitment to deliver without fear of favor) Political competence is the ability to comprehend the political environment without becoming political or politicized (commitment to deliver without fear of favor)

Applicants who previously registered for the new HR contract database in 2019 and 2020 are required to update their information.

Stats SA (Stats SA Vacancies 2022) undertakes a number of surveys and initiatives, including the Census, Community Survey, Labour Force Survey, and General Household Survey. These surveys and efforts may involve the employment of contract workers on occasion. You are invited to register online to be included in a database that will be used to identify potential applicants for these contract opportunities as they become available. Registration is strongly encouraged for people of all colors, youth, and women from all walks of life.

The candidate must do the following:

  • Have a Senior Certificate or higher (Matric or equivalent).
  • Know at least one of the 11 official languages
  • Make yourself accessible to work on weekends and after usual office hours.
  • You must be a South African citizen with no criminal record.

How Do You Apply?

Applicants must upload the following papers while applying:
Evidence of residency/home address (eg Lease agreement, Affidavit, Tribal Authority letter, Municipality bill, clothing account bill and others).
Any registration that does not include the aforementioned supporting papers will be regarded incomplete, and the applicant will be unable to finish the database registration.
Applicants who are asked to engage in training/competency exercises must present certified copies of their identification, matric certificates, and, if applicable, driver’s license.
Documents must have been certified within the six months before submission.
Walk-in applications will not be allowed due to COVID.
Contract employment applications can only be submitted online at



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