NECSA Learnership Program

NECSA Learnership Program 2022-2023

Company: NECSA Group Ltd
Area: Pelindaba, Gauteng, South Africa
Duration: 18 Months
Stipend: R3000 Per month
Closing date: Not Specified

About the Company

The Republic of South Africa Nuclear Energy Act of 1999 established the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa) as a public enterprise, and it is completely controlled by the State. The organization is in charge of processing source material, including uranium enrichment, as well as collaborating with other institutions, both locally and internationally, on nuclear and related issues in order to promote socioeconomic development in South Africa and R&D in the field of nuclear energy and radiation sciences.

Learnership Description

Necsa is offering an opportunity for 12 months of Generic Management Learnership NQF level 4 to unemployed self-motivated people between the ages of 18-30 years.

Basic Requirements

Matric / Grade 12 certificate
South African citizen to apply
Clear criminal record

NB. This chance is only available to people who have never participated in a previous learnership or internship.

As part of the selection process, candidates will be submitted to written assessment exams or interviews. The selection criteria will be based on the Necsa Group’s employment equality strategy, Skills Development Policies, and any other applicable policies or programs.

How to apply?

Please send your applications to
(Insert the phrase “Learnership Application” into the email subject line.)

Please include the following material with your application:

  • Curriculum Vitae in its entirety (neatly typed)
  • Authenticated copy of your identification document
  • Authenticated copy of your Matriculation Certificate
  • Other papers pertinent to your application

Please keep in mind:

  • Written tests, interviews, and a physical fitness test will be part of the selection process; applicants must pass all of these to be considered for the program.
  • The selection criteria shall be based on the Necsa equity strategy, Skills Development Policies, and any other applicable policies or programs.
  • Successful candidates will be notified within 30 days after the closing date; if you do not hear from us within that time, please consider your application failed.


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