Human Resources Learnerships

In addition to being able to choose a career path that fits your interests, HR learnerships can also provide you with a variety of functions that relate to the business sector. These include hiring and training new employees, setting policies, dealing with discrimination, and managing unions. See our full list of HR courses for more information.

Human Resources Learnerships Available

There are a variety of career paths available in this field. We have listed down the most common paths that are commonly used by learnerships.

Career Path:

  • Human Resource Consultant
  • Human Resource Expert
  • Training and Development Manager
  • International HR Professional
  • Employee Education Consultant
  • HR Specialist
  • Executive Recruiter
  • Labour Relations Specialist

Companies that Offers Human Resources Learnerships

Companies that provide learnerships in these sectors include:

Basic Requirements for Human Resources Learnerships

Although many companies offer the same basic requirements for learnerships, there are some additional requirements that they must meet in order to be eligible. This guide will help you prepare documents that will help you meet these requirements.

Basic needs and documentation:

  • Be a South African citizen
  • Valid Grade 12 certificate
  • A genuine identification book or card
  • Have a certificate or degree in the subject for which you are applying
  • Outstanding communication abilities
  • Strong command of the English language Computer literate
  • Excellent administrative abilities

For candidates with references, they should attach them to their application. Also, a CV should accompany it. Previous experience is additionally beneficial.

Application for Human Resources Learnerships

Most HR departments can access them learnerships application online. However, if a company doesn’t have an online application, they can give instructions to download or print the form. All applications must be in full, and the contact details must be current. Only certified copies of the documents are included with the application.

Before you submit an application, make sure that all the necessary documents are in order. Many companies do not look at late or incomplete applications.



2 Replies to “Human Resources Learnerships”

  1. Hi there. Thanks for being in-touch

    We acknowledge the comment and confirm the content there-off.

    Please visit the post and review the Learner ship/s you interested on from the listed Companies=and apply online.

    Those links can be trusted. Good Luck.

    Kind Regards


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