Department of Employment & Labour

Department of Employment & Labour Circular 2022

Entry Level Admin Clerk

Company: Department of Employment and Labour
Country: South Africa
Closing date: 11 July 2022

The Department of Correctional Services welcomes jobless adolescents to apply for the following entry-level government jobs.

SA Government Jobs at the Grade 12 / Junior / Entry Level

Annual salary: R176 310 (Level 05)

The following entry-level positions are now accepting applications:

1. Property Acquisition and Leasing: Administration Clerk

Pretoria is the headquarters.
HR 4/22/06/09HO is the reference number.

Grade 12 is required. No prior experience is necessary.

Regulations (for example, PFMA, Treasury Regulation Building, Environment, Batho Pele Principles, Occupational Health and Safety). Computer literacy is required, as is familiarity of Excel.
Duties: Process leasing expenses. Lease administration Keep an immovable asset register. Maintain an internal accommodation filing system. Keep an electronic folder for concerns about accommodations.

2. PES HR & Performance Management: Administration Clerk

Pretoria is the headquarters.
HR 4/22/06/03HO is the reference number.

Grade 12/Matriculation/Senior Certificate are required. No prior experience is necessary.

Departmental Policies and Procedures, Planning and Organizing, Administration Procedures, Batho Pele Principles, Interpersonal Relations are all examples of knowledge.

Duties: Assist in the execution of Human Resource Policies at PES Headquarters. Assist with the deployment of a performance management system at PES HQ. Assist with secretarial services during performance management review sessions. Provide appropriate administrative services within the HR and Performance Management function.

3. Officer of Customer Service


HR4/4/5/32 Pietermaritzburg Labour-
Northern Cape Kuruman Labour Centre-Ref No: HR 4/4/8/43

Matriculation/Grade 12 is required.

All Labour Laws and Regulations, Private Employment Agency Regulations and Related ILO Conventions, Public Service Regulations, Public Service Act, Understanding of Departmental Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines Principles of Batho Pele

Duties: Provide services at the help desk as the initial point of contact for Registration Services. Provide employment services to all clients that come to the Labour Centre. Resolve any complaints received from clients regarding all labor laws. Accept all applications for unemployment insurance benefits and employer statements. Receive application forms for the Compensation for Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) as well as COIDA employer registration forms.

4. Registry Clerk

Provincial Office in the Free State

HR 4/4/8/682 is the reference number.

Grade 12 Senior Certificate or equivalent required. No prior experience is necessary.

National Archives Act, Public Service Regulation, Public Service Act, Public Finance Management Act, Batho Pele Principles, Record Management are all examples of knowledge. Communication, listening, computer literacy, time management, interpersonal, planning, and organizing are all required skills.

Perform registry counter services. Taking care of incoming and outgoing correspondence. Provide efficient filling and record-keeping services. Documents are processed for archiving and/or disposal.

Competencies and skills:

  • Communication abilities
  • Computer literacy,
  • Management skills,
  • Interpersonal skills,
  • Planning,
  • Organizing abilities are all required.

How to apply for this posts?

Applications must be accompanied by a recently updated CV, ID papers, credentials, and recent academic transcripts / records, as well as a Z83 form (Download Here). On your application form, please include the reference number and position for which you are applying.

NB: Supporting papers are not required to be certified. Only candidates who have been shortlisted will be asked to provide certified copies of their ID papers, credentials, and most current academic transcripts / records.

Submit your applications to the following addresses:

Property Acquisition and Leasing Administration Clerk
Pretoria is the headquarters.

HR 4/22/06/09HO is the reference number.

Applications should be sent to the Chief Director: Human Resources Management, Private Bag X 117, Pretoria, 0001. or drop off at 215 Francis Baard Street

For your consideration: Head Office Human Resources Operations Sub-Directorate

PES HR & Performance Management Administration Clerk
Pretoria is the headquarters.

HR 4/22/06/03HO is the reference number.

Send applications to the Chief Director: Human Resources Management, Private Bag X 117, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to 215 Francis Baard Street.

For your consideration: Head Office Human Resources Operations Sub-Directorate

Client Service Officer


HR4/4/5/32 Pietermaritzburg Labour-
Northern Cape Kuruman Labour Centre-Ref No: HR 4/4/8/43

Submit Applications:

Private Bag x9048, PMB, 3200 OR hand deliver to 370 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg.
Provincial Operations Chief Director: Private Bag X 5012, Kimberley, 8301 or hand deliver at Cnr Compound and Pniel Road.

Registry Clerk

Provincial Office in the Free State

HR 4/4/8/682 is the reference number.

Applications should be sent to the Chief Director: Provincial Operations, Private Bag X 522, Bloemfontein, 9300, or delivered in person to Laboria House, 43 Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein.

For your consideration: Free State Human Resources Operations Sub-Directorate



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